April 30, 2024

Setting the Stage for Success: A Year-End Review of Your Commercial Landscape

As the year draws to a close, it's the perfect time for commercial property owners to reflect on the state of their landscapes and set the stage for success in the upcoming year. A year-end landscape review ensures that your outdoor spaces are not only aesthetically pleasing but also aligned with your business goals. In this guide, we'll explore the importance of a year-end review and address key areas for improvement on commercial properties.

1. Evaluate Curb Appeal:

Begin the review by assessing the curb appeal of your commercial property. Consider how the landscape contributes to the overall impression of your business. Identify areas that may benefit from enhancements to create a welcoming and professional image.

2. Assess Plant Health:

Inspect the health of plants on your property. Look for signs of disease, pest infestations, or stress. Addressing these issues promptly will help preserve the vitality of your landscape and prevent potential long-term damage.

3. Review Hardscape Elements:

Examine hardscape elements such as pathways, parking areas, and signage. Ensure that these features are in good condition and free from hazards. Repair any cracks or damage to maintain a safe and visually appealing environment.

4. Check Irrigation Systems:

Review the functionality of your irrigation systems. Ensure that they are operating efficiently and providing adequate water to plantings. Consider upgrades or adjustments to promote water conservation and support plant health.

5. Seasonal Interest and Color:

Assess the seasonal interest and color of your landscape. Evaluate whether there are opportunities to enhance visual appeal throughout the year. Introduce plantings that offer blooms, foliage, or unique features during different seasons.

6. Sustainable Practices:

Explore sustainable landscaping practices for your commercial property. Implementing eco-friendly initiatives such as rain gardens, native plantings, or energy-efficient lighting not only benefits the environment but also aligns with corporate responsibility goals.

7. Plan for Year-Round Accessibility:

Consider the accessibility of your commercial landscape throughout the year. Ensure that pathways and entrances are clear and safe, especially during winter. Plan for snow and ice management to maintain business operations.

8. Outdoor Seating and Employee Well-being:

If your commercial property includes outdoor seating areas, consider their design and functionality. Create spaces that contribute to employee well-being and offer opportunities for relaxation or collaboration.

9. Budget for Landscape Improvements:

Based on the year-end review, create a budget for landscape improvements in the upcoming year. Prioritize projects that will have the most significant impact on the aesthetics, functionality, and sustainability of your commercial landscape.

10. Seek Professional Guidance:

Engage with landscaping professionals for expert guidance. Landscape designers and maintenance teams can provide insights tailored to your specific property and business needs. Their expertise ensures that your landscape aligns with industry best practices.

By conducting a thorough year-end landscape review, commercial property owners set the foundation for a successful and visually appealing outdoor space in the new year.

Thinking about improving your business' landscape in 2025?

Contact us to schedule a consultation today. One of our experts will reach out to you to understand your needs and craft a personalized maintenance plan for your property.